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Billedkunst Journal #2 2020
Malin Bjørhovde, Helene Bergsholm og Beate Støfring i filmen Få meg på, for faen! (2011)

From 2019 up until today I have been regular contributing to the Norwegian Journal Billedkunst, published by Association of Norwegian Visual Artists (NBK, a membership organization that consist of 14 regional organizations and five discipline-specific, nationwide artists’ organizations, in addition to the Young Artists’ Society (UKS).

For the Journal I written a varied selection of text, mostly centering one the social aspects of Norwegian art, and the impact on the artist, in addition to longer texts on the subjects of Outsider Art, Artothek, and interviews with selected artists. Below you will find links to some of the texts, i addition to then their printed counterparts that can be bought in back stock.

(Norwegian only)

Bytroll og bygdedyr

Om det å sette saman eit strukturert kaos

Møter med måling og isberg – om dei makteslause i Jinbin Chen sine verk

Stjerner i sikte: Ungdommeleg djervskap og alderdommeleg klokskap

Sinnet sitt handlag

Kunsten å velja

All images © Marius Moldvaer

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