Carrier 2020 - A Line in the earth made of coins (and all that which follows out of sight out of mind)
Instructions, "einkroner" (coins) and wooden pins Varying dimensions 2020
Instructions, "einkroner" (coins) and wooden pins Varying dimensions 2020
Instructions, "einkroner" (coins) and wooden pins Varying dimensions 2020
Instructions, "einkroner" (coins) and wooden pins Varying dimensions 2020
In 2020 I was asked to contribute a work to the open air exhibition "Carrier" at Folkeparken in Tromsø by the amazing curatorial team behind the exhibition: André Enger Aas, James S Lee, Ruth Aitken & William Bentsen. Organized by The Arctic Agency for Environmental Research Methodologies and Artistic Practice and Failure, Understanding, Care (& Kunst)
My work took the form as a set of instructions, following the manifesto of Failure, Understanding, Care (& Kunst) to make and distribute art with a minimal environmental impact, while at the same time adhering to the vast and interesting subject of failure within art.
A Line in the earth made of coins (and all that which follows out of sight out of mind) gave instructions to place 300 kroners in one-kroners in a ditch in Folkeparken in Tromsø, it was to be left exposed and each time someone took a coin, a wooden pin should be placed in the ground intersecting the line of coins. If no coins were taken the money was to be given to a charity of the installers choosing.
A Line in the earth made of coins (and all that which follows out of sight out of mind) then becomes a failure and success simultaneously: If the money is left undisturbed a charity will receive money, if the money is taken a sculpture will arise. The failure in this work, is always a success, it reveals and interconnects with the world around it in unfamiliar ways, where the right choice is never evident, as in life, it contains the enigma of both success and failure.
Download the instructions here (PDF english)
The Arctic Agency for Environmental Research Methodologies and Artistic Practice is the name given to a 1960’s built caravan that has previously been used as a place for artists to live, an exhibition space for the project Failure, Understanding, Care (& Kunst) and, in 2021, will act as the office for the curators ( Ruth Aitken and James S. Lee) behind Failure, Understanding, Care (& Kunst) as they develop their environmentally focussed art & curatorial project for the uncertain times ahead in the 21st century.
Failure, Understanding, Care (& Kunst) is a project that works with artists and curators in accordance to a manifesto – a set of rules- written to drive experimental and environmentally considerate practices. This manifesto was written by the project curators to realize ways of making art that are environmentally conscious; the idea is to help artists focus on developing their practice in “green” ways, whilst also hoping to show that restraints on an art practice can lead to revelatory new ways of making for the artists involved.
The Arctic Agency for Environmental Research Methodologies and Artistic Practice